

  • On July 30, 2013, our sister website was born. Its sole purpose was to collect data from different weather stations and publish it in one place useful for water sports enthusiasts. Over time, a whole community developed around this idea, and the page evolved into a portal with many additional useful features.
  • In 2019, a few of us realized that it would be useful to set up our own weather station. The weather stations provided by government agencies and individuals are mostly located far away from the surf spots that we use, so the conditions could be very different there. Thus, the idea of having our own weather station was a no-brainer. But which one to choose? We searched the market for an autonomous battery-powered GPRS weather station and quickly realized that most available stations are expensive, bulky, and much more complicated than they need to be. Hence, we decided to create our own.
  • In 2021, we decided to branch out from the local webpage, which was designed for a Slovenian audience, to offer our services to a broader market. Thus, came to life.

Purpose of this page

  • The purpose of this page is to promote our weather stations. Our local community finds them very useful, so we believe others will as well.
  • This page also provides data from our own and other weather stations. Most web pages out there use fancy UIs that look great on desktop but not so great on mobile, and they take ages to load, especially on mobile. This page is designed to be useful and fast so you can find current conditions at a glance, whether on mobile or desktop.

Company Purpose

  • We are a part-time run company. Don't worry, we take customer support very seriously and we are here for you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  • Some of the profit from sales will go to building and maintaining weather station networks in Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy.
  • Our weather station is open source. We believe in the power of community and that knowledge should be shared. You can find everything from the PCB, software, and 3D printed parts on our GitHub. If you have the knowledge, you can build it yourself.

© jaka_87
Spletna stran uporablja piškotke z namenom, da vam ponudimo boljše uporabniške izkušnje, optimizacijo prikaza prilagojenih vsebin in spremljanje statistike obiska. Z nadaljevanjem obiska na spletni strani se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov.